Friday, October 12, 2007

23 today

23 tomorrow
Originally uploaded by Bobbi C

My lovely turns 23 today, happy birthday sweetpea. I'm going to the supermarket at lunch to buy all the makings of his fave dinner (steak and chips, with black forrest gateau for after). I hope he's having a great day, and not working too hard.

I'm still working on advertising and my business cards at the moment. Its a lot of work, but its getting there, and then it'll all be shipped off to the printers, woohoo!!

Monday, October 08, 2007


Holga bokeh goodness!!
Originally uploaded by Bobbi C

I always have a camera in my hand, or at least 90% of the time!

I was taking some shots of Peadar last night and while doing so I was telling him that he'd got much better with having the camera around (at first he hated having his photo taken).
He said he hadn't, that he just learned its easier to accept its going happen, the camera will be pointed at him, and his photo will be taken! He's so patient with me and the camera.
He's the greatest :)

Sunday, October 07, 2007

Took a walk....

Originally uploaded by Bobbi C

a short one, maybe 20 minutes. Got some air. Cleared the head. Got some shots. What more could I want!!

Monday, October 01, 2007


and incredibly so at that. Still working on the wedding photos from last week. Its a slow but enjoyable process, one that is taking up most of my time. But thats ok, i love doing it.

I have decided on a course (photography obviously!) that I hope to be starting soon. Its a correspondance course, and it seems to be perfect for me in everyway. I'm so excited about it too!

I'm going in 15 days for an operation, a minor one, but my first ever. Slightly nervous but I know its for the best, and hopefully will be life changing!

Here's a small sample from the wedding shots, the first possibly being my fave out of almost 1000 photos!!

Take care.


up the aisle

About Me

Galway, Ireland
Photographer, fiancee, mommy to a 4 year old horse, and friend to many. I am Roberta Cotter Photography.

About This Blog

Galway based photographer Roberta Cotter, specialises in the creative capturing of your special moments, making them last forever. Newborns, children, teens or a special family event, I take great delight in working closely with my clients and to meet their every photographic need.

All images shown on this blog are copyright of Roberta Cotter Photography unless otherwise stated. It is illegal and a punishable offence to use any of the images without written permission from the copyright holder.

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