Thursday, May 29, 2008

Summer is creeping upon us

For the past couple of weeks Mia has had the great pleasure of being let out onto her paddocks, at she is loving us for it! Why has she been let out? Cause it's Summer! Never mind the midges or any of the other bugs that come along with the summer season, right here we're loving the warmth of it. I've gone and jinxed it now, so sorry to all Galwegians for the forthcoming rain and freeze!!


Wednesday, May 14, 2008


I recently decided that I want to do a detailed photographic study of the equine, more specifically my equine. I have the honour of sharing my life with this wonderfully affectionate, intelligent, stubborn, confident and oh so funny 4 year old. I want to capture everything that makes Mia what she is. Her strengths, her weaknesses, her personality, everything. I have already selected a few of my past photos to include in the study, and I hope to add to them with many more over the coming months.


Saturday, May 03, 2008

The happenings...

Originally uploaded by Bobbi C

I've been so bad at keeping my blog up to date, smack on the wrist to me! I have been very busy the past few months, here's a snippet of whats been happening.

My lovely fiance and I spent a wonderful week in Boston where we witnessed a snowstorm and its aftermath, cold but gorgeous! Suprisingly we didn't have a snowball fight, does this mean we're getting old!? Nah, no chance of that!

We've also been busy designing our house and getting that ready to submit planning permission to the local council. The engineer said that it would be put in either yesterday or early next week, so finger crossed for us. We'll know if we have permission in roughly 6 to 8 weeks. I have my south facing studio and office all planned into the house and I can't wait to get in there! I've started picking out paint colours and furniture already, getting a little ahead of myself but thats what excitement does!

Mia, my beautiful Thoroughbred mare has also been keeping me on my toes. I have done all her training and work in preperation for backing her myself. She is now ready to be backed so I'm very excited about that. She's been getting on really well now that she's moved home with us and everybody loves the big cheeky monkey that she is!

I've also been putting together my website. Its in its final stages now, I think, and will be up and running soon. Of course I'll post a link here as soon as its done.

Hope everyone is enjoying the nice May weather (between the showers, but it is Ireland so is to be expected!).


About Me

Galway, Ireland
Photographer, fiancee, mommy to a 4 year old horse, and friend to many. I am Roberta Cotter Photography.

About This Blog

Galway based photographer Roberta Cotter, specialises in the creative capturing of your special moments, making them last forever. Newborns, children, teens or a special family event, I take great delight in working closely with my clients and to meet their every photographic need.

All images shown on this blog are copyright of Roberta Cotter Photography unless otherwise stated. It is illegal and a punishable offence to use any of the images without written permission from the copyright holder.

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