Friday, July 25, 2008

A quick shout out..


Hey everyone,

Things have been really busy around here recently, from christenings, equus and portrait sessions. I've been editing non-stop and I'm almost finished with the latest session now, whew!!

We got the planning permission for our beautiful new home, so we now have to wait a few more weeks and then we can start working on the site. There's quite a bit to be done before we can start building, but we figure the sooner we start the sooner we'll be in the house!

Back in February in Boston we stayed in the Sheraton hotel on Dalton Street. Amazing hotel, with even more amazing beds. Listening to Ray D'Arcy on Wednesday morning I heard that you can actually buy the beds on line at Westin Hotels at home I haven't been so excited about a piece of furniture in so long, if ever!! I've checked the plans of our house and I'm pretty sure the California King size bed will be a future purchase for us! Yay!!

Mia is doing great. My study of this lovely girly is still continuing and is coming along great. She's now backed for the past month or so and is doing just fine with that thankfully. She will be going for schooling at the end of August in a yard only 10 minutes from us. We'll be calling in often to visit her and make sure everything is going ok. I've a feeling I'm really going to miss her while she's gone!

I best get back to my editing now. Hope everyone is enjoying the sunshine of the last few days, its been so hot here!


Tuesday, July 01, 2008

new website

Hey all,
At long last I can announce that my new website is up and running! It took a while to get it exactly the way I had envisioned it, but it was worth the wait.
Head over to and have a look around.

About Me

Galway, Ireland
Photographer, fiancee, mommy to a 4 year old horse, and friend to many. I am Roberta Cotter Photography.

About This Blog

Galway based photographer Roberta Cotter, specialises in the creative capturing of your special moments, making them last forever. Newborns, children, teens or a special family event, I take great delight in working closely with my clients and to meet their every photographic need.

All images shown on this blog are copyright of Roberta Cotter Photography unless otherwise stated. It is illegal and a punishable offence to use any of the images without written permission from the copyright holder.

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