Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The Beach

I have to say, we are really lucky with where we live. A beautiful mountain and lake right behind our house, a little harbour only a 3 minute walk away and an amazing beach that goes on forever is but a 10 minute drive from us. Since we got Mia it has been in our plans to take her to the beach, we knew she'd love it (and I knew I'd love it too!!) Finally the time came 2 weeks ago, we loaded Mia into the trailer and headed for the beach. She was such a good girl while we were there, though she was a little apprehensive. I knew the second time would be better.

We went back to the beach with her again this Sunday, and boy was the second time a million times better!! We didn't go near the water the first time we went so we decided we'd do it this time. At first she wouldn't have anything to do with it, she wouldn't even walk through the shallowest of puddles, so Peadar put on his wellingtons and walked out into the water, after a moment of hesitation Mia followed. And that's when it got really wet and really fun! She had a great time, and had myself and Peadar in knots laughing!!

We're all very much looking forward to going back and getting soaked again! next time I think I'll bring a towel!


PS Thanks to Peadar for taking these great photos of myself and Mia, they are ones that will be cherished for years to come :)

Monday, November 10, 2008

Michelle and Gavan

It was a very windy and bitterly cold Sunday afternoon when we met at Ballinahinch for Michelle and Gavan's engagement session. Getting out of my car the door nearly got blown off, so I knew we were in for some fun times! Thankfully the rain held off for the hour that we were out shooting, and we got some great photos too.

See you in December Michelle and Gavan :)

About Me

Galway, Ireland
Photographer, fiancee, mommy to a 4 year old horse, and friend to many. I am Roberta Cotter Photography.

About This Blog

Galway based photographer Roberta Cotter, specialises in the creative capturing of your special moments, making them last forever. Newborns, children, teens or a special family event, I take great delight in working closely with my clients and to meet their every photographic need.

All images shown on this blog are copyright of Roberta Cotter Photography unless otherwise stated. It is illegal and a punishable offence to use any of the images without written permission from the copyright holder.

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