Saturday, December 20, 2008

Never a truer word spoken!

the girl, originally uploaded by Bobbi C.

"There was a little girl who had a little curl right in the middle of her forehead.
And when she was good, she was very very good.
But when she was bad she was horrid"

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

snow, weddings and an adorable church

Friday was a disaster weather wise. Gale force winds, torrential rain, sleet, snow and ice. Like I said, disaster!! Saturday turned out to be a wonderful day, mostly dry and bright, only raining when we were inside (who can complain about that!). Michelle and Gavan, you guys are so lucky!

The church at Ballinahinch was one I have been dying to get into since I moved to Connemara, and I was not let down by it. Wow is all I can say, it was just adorable! The church was solely lit by candles and the atmosphere in there was outstanding. Have to say, it is my favourite church by far now. The hotel too was fabulous, and those blazing fires were appreciated by everyone I think!

So here's a little sneak peek at some of the photos from the day. I'm still working my way through them all, but these have been some of my favourites so far from throughout the day.



Monday, December 08, 2008

this girl...

-constantly tests the limits
-loves her back being scratched
-is painfully opinionated
-really wishes the cat wasn't so scared of her.
-likes mints, but prefers fruit and veg
-not so sure about lawnmowers but doesn't bat an eyelid at 20 tonne machines

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Iain and Mary

I had the wonderful pleasure of photographing Iain and Mary's wedding last weekend in the stunning location of Tuam Cathedral. Storm's were forecast for the day but I was greeted by clear blue skies as I drove into Tuam and thankfully they stayed until just as we finished doing our portraits outside after the ceremony, phew!! I hope you the rest of your day went wonderfully for you.

I'm still working on the photos but as promised here's a sneak peek for you!


PS for a larger version please click on the photos

Monday, December 01, 2008

monday, funday

Last Monday I had the great pleasure of visiting the J family to take some portraits for them. It was Summer 2007 when we had last met for portraits, between then and now K has turned into such a big girl and baby C has joined the family. Poor little C had a tooth coming up and was apparently feeling less than delighted all morning before I arrived but he was a great little man and was full of smiles and giggles for me!


About Me

Galway, Ireland
Photographer, fiancee, mommy to a 4 year old horse, and friend to many. I am Roberta Cotter Photography.

About This Blog

Galway based photographer Roberta Cotter, specialises in the creative capturing of your special moments, making them last forever. Newborns, children, teens or a special family event, I take great delight in working closely with my clients and to meet their every photographic need.

All images shown on this blog are copyright of Roberta Cotter Photography unless otherwise stated. It is illegal and a punishable offence to use any of the images without written permission from the copyright holder.

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